School History

South Larose Elementary—Then and Now

The year was 1952. Property was purchased in order to build a school to accommodate the students of Larose. In 1954, Larose-Cut Off opened its doors for learning to students ranging from first grade through twelfth grade. The first principal was Mr. Joe Defelice. Mr. George Hebert became the principal two years later, and then, in 1959, Mr. Cliston Saucier would become principal for the next twenty years.

During an interview, Mr. Saucier was asked to recall some of the biggest changes he could remember during his administration. Mr. Saucier stated that in the mid-1960s, enrollment was at its peak with a little over one thousand students from kindergarten through sixth grade. He also noted that classrooms had no air conditioning and had the use of a single fan unit per room. However, the biggest change of all had to be in the progression of technology. He remembers that in the late 1960s, Larose Elementary (the name at that time) had only one electric typewriter that was housed in the front office. Mr. Saucier eventually retired in 1979 and was replaced by Mr. Renee LeBlanc.

Mr. LeBlanc became principal when Larose Elementary made the switch to be a middle school. During an interview, Mr. LeBlanc spoke of his memorable changes and recalled mainly the use of playground equipment. He explained that students had access to swings, seesaws, and monkey bars, but as the equipment broke, it was never replaced.  He said, “It was an accident waiting to happen!” Mr. LeBlanc also remembered paying thirty-five cents for a roast beef sandwich and five cents for a soda. Prices for food sure have changed today!

Several principals have come and gone from Larose Upper Elementary (another former name), such as Mr. Jerry Ledet, Mr. Ray Bernard, Mrs. Dixie Brunet, Mrs. Tammy Shaw,  Mrs. Terri Chiasson, and Mrs. Holly Bouzigard. All have played a significant role in South Larose Elementary’s success.

The year is now 2023. The future of South Larose Elementary continues to be very promising. Our administration consists of Ms. Dana Gros, Principal. Mrs. Scarlet Griffin is our Assistant Principal. Mrs. Margo Polkey is our Guidance Counselor, and Ms. Kim Worley is our Secretary.

With the effort of both administration and the staff working together, many wonderful changes have taken place at South Larose Elementary. In May 2014, we said goodbye to our Viking mascot and Larose Upper Elementary School. During that summer, LUES transitioned to our new site at 154 West 25th Street, which is behind our original building’s location, to accommodate Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Graders as SLES Bullpups. Students have the luxury of a new school building. In our new facility, all classrooms are equipped with several computers and interactive white boards to bring digital technology to lessons.

There is, however, one link that has not changed from the beginning of South Larose Elementary’s history to now, and that is, “Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day.”

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